my lifelong fantasy with people like john lennon.... the bearded, long-haired people who are super

pacifists and seek world freedom and peace has never ceased. In fact, from martin luther king to U2... and the anti-war movement in the west quite surprised me with its energy and vigor. And now there are some super people leading the way to make the world a peaceful greener place... so talking about my love for such people, the free-thinkers, good-natured, pacifists aka hippies or whatever people like to use the terms for them, the bottom line is that I always had a fantasy to be like one of them since I have been born and bred in a very suffocated society with no religious freedom or the option to choose the free, peaceful, easy life you wish to live. That is why I fell in love with the concepts of freight-train hopping, peace marches, weed-smoking and ofcourse dedicating my life for eternal good of not just humanity but the whole planet. so after this whole long prologue, the thing I wish to tell is that I met Galen Joel, and who is Galen...well he is sort of a hippie, a person who loves to travel, is good-natured, wishes well for everyone, is simple and straight and what not. He is a dedicated environmentalist, a practicing organic foods advocate and the person who taught me how cool it could be to be vegetarian...simply speaking - he is superb. I met him at Mars' place in Chicago when

he came all the way from Alaska to campaign for a good cause. He lived simply, showed through his life to me a lot as to how to live simply and really broadened my knowledge in a great great way. And I couldnt be more proud that not only I made good friends with him, but I definitely hope and wish to meet him someday in future.... I could simply go on for hours talking about this good person but here is how neatly he described himself "I like traveling. I like music. I like people. I like improv. I like the earth and beauty"... one of those persons like Mars who made an impact on me while I was in US, he simply is awesome. From, country music festival to that amazing improv show... there are some golden memories that I would love to repeat. And even as I write these words while he is so soooo far away in peru, I can't forget his style of saying...Right on man, right on!!!
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