Wednesday, March 24, 2010

To let my brain work!

Being awake whole night, and trying to study is not a new thing for me now. And I am pretty sure, this thing will stick with me throughout my life. But for most of my nocturnal studying experiences, I have realized that caffeine pills, coffee and other waking methods do not help me as much as being positive and let my energy flow. So what do I mean with my 'my energy'?

Well... basically whenever I feel mentally drained, I let my brain drift for a while about some ambitious creative stuff. Mostly, it is a bunch of daydreaming or trying to create music in my head or some way of motivating myself by organized planning for future, but still, its all in my head. The good thing about this method is that when I am done thinking, and my mind feels all fresh, I feel like really ready to 'do it'. And get done with things like wham bam bam.

I have realized over past several years that I am sort of attention deficit. I can focus lots of energy on something and put in all my effort in to accomplishing something but I cannot linger on with it. 15 minutes of concentration and then my mind has to take a break or I will just waste time. From USMLEs to MBBS profs to other professional exams, I realized this poor concentration ability of my mind, but with experience over time, I have come to realize that I still have methods to use my mind to its best. For most of now, its used in reading lengthy reviews and research papers, alot of which seem dry and monotonous but atleast I do find joy in doing what I do. Even if I have to sometimes push my brain a step further for that.

Time to get back to work!

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