Hatred works through insecurity and paranoia. It creates a political discourse of self-defensive, pre-emptive, aggressive posturing. Where insecurity and paranoia rule, we invite the dialogue of the deaf, negotiation and consultation by mutual harangues, name-calling, vilification and blame. Hatred generates parallel universes of self-justification and the ethos of the bomb-o-gram. Insecurity and paranoia make the first strike the first resort of choice in a political arena that has all the sophistication of a children's playground ruled by the ethics of the bully. Where in such a world is there any hope of transcendence? The culture of violence, the political rhetoric of the bomb-o-gram, has to be opposed everywhere. But it will be opposed only when there is genuine commitment to alternative means of communication. Political arenas and institutions have to become effective and responsive in offering negotiation, accommodation and the capacity to act.
(Ziauddin Sardar & Merryl Wyn Davies)
Friday, October 30, 2009
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Selflessness should ensoul the purpose of every action in one's life. Listen like a cherokee, watch like a falcon, think like hawking, but most of all... act like the sublimation of a worthy God.
No human is good enough to be kneeled to, but no human is bad enough either to be crucified. A world where superficial thought guides actions and, an eyes vision cannot see through the shadow of a pety action, there is an intense need for general forgiveness and acceptance.
The point where hatred is touching 98 degree centigrade, and thinking is suffocated to tiny cocoons of self-reverence, humanity needs to redefine its relative morality to something bigger than self...
Its interesting that the word self can bloom into Sympathy Emancipation Love & Freedom
it can rot in to Selfdom Egotism Lust & Fallacy ...
I hope that someday people will pride not in their God, not in their Country, not in their possessions, but in collective good of humanity. When not a single more human will die of hunger and starvation.
No human is good enough to be kneeled to, but no human is bad enough either to be crucified. A world where superficial thought guides actions and, an eyes vision cannot see through the shadow of a pety action, there is an intense need for general forgiveness and acceptance.
The point where hatred is touching 98 degree centigrade, and thinking is suffocated to tiny cocoons of self-reverence, humanity needs to redefine its relative morality to something bigger than self...
Its interesting that the word self can bloom into Sympathy Emancipation Love & Freedom
it can rot in to Selfdom Egotism Lust & Fallacy ...
I hope that someday people will pride not in their God, not in their Country, not in their possessions, but in collective good of humanity. When not a single more human will die of hunger and starvation.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Reading Bakunin's essay on borders and nation states and listening to Muse's soldier's poem at the same time has a combo exponential affect. Just realizing how much injustice there is in the world and how nation states are ripping off their populations just in the name of patriotism. They are acting as nothing more than huge corporations that also have the military power to destroy the monopoly of other corporations. There is so much I wish to write, and so many examples that I have but I really do not know how and where to begin.
But I think I will be writing more on this in real detail soon.
But I think I will be writing more on this in real detail soon.
Friday, October 2, 2009
watching the empty highway..
So here I am, back to blogging after a long break. I think I am writing my first or second blog since I came to America. Starting and job and getting paid does have its advantages and it is sort of fun but it does not take long for a man to already start planning ahead. There is this feeling of doing more, learning more and to feel like having accomplished some long forgotten mission.
Well, am just at the beginning! I realized today that there is so much I want to do. My ambitions are somewhat fuzzy but not invisible. Its like both seeing and not seeing what I want to see. This much is though clear to me. I won't look far behind the dome. I just want to take a little step at a time and enjoy this beautiful world. This beautiful life that I LOVE!! Its simply beautiful, simple and amazing.
And I think I have stopped running after happiness. And the day since I stopped chasing smiles, they are chasing me. Everyday provides me more fulfillment and relaxation. Although when I look behind me, it seems that I have come a long way, just the way I was looking behind on I-20 west heading to Jackson. And the road ahead is only making me happier. I felt a peace with my bicycle on my side on that road. It was like a complete comfort that no matter how far my home is, I will make it to my place before the night falls. And I did in fact!!
Thats how I am at peace with love. I have sehar on my side. I am fulfilled. I don't ask for anything more in my life...
Well, am just at the beginning! I realized today that there is so much I want to do. My ambitions are somewhat fuzzy but not invisible. Its like both seeing and not seeing what I want to see. This much is though clear to me. I won't look far behind the dome. I just want to take a little step at a time and enjoy this beautiful world. This beautiful life that I LOVE!! Its simply beautiful, simple and amazing.
And I think I have stopped running after happiness. And the day since I stopped chasing smiles, they are chasing me. Everyday provides me more fulfillment and relaxation. Although when I look behind me, it seems that I have come a long way, just the way I was looking behind on I-20 west heading to Jackson. And the road ahead is only making me happier. I felt a peace with my bicycle on my side on that road. It was like a complete comfort that no matter how far my home is, I will make it to my place before the night falls. And I did in fact!!
Thats how I am at peace with love. I have sehar on my side. I am fulfilled. I don't ask for anything more in my life...
her step!
Perfection - in a sense
she's an art
a breath of blue
when the sun shines
in the cool autumn wind
and lifts up the curtain
the trees speak
under which she sat
the path that saw her everyday
miss her
look for her ecstatic step
shining - in a sense
she's a stone
carved in beauty
those deep eyes
make me light
when the sun shines
in the cool autumn wind
lift me up
lift me up
am no more...
she's an art
a breath of blue
when the sun shines
in the cool autumn wind
and lifts up the curtain
the trees speak
under which she sat
the path that saw her everyday
miss her
look for her ecstatic step
shining - in a sense
she's a stone
carved in beauty
those deep eyes
make me light
when the sun shines
in the cool autumn wind
lift me up
lift me up
am no more...
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
My Stencil Art!! A Tutorial for Beginners!
Here I have written a basic tutorial on how to print stencil art on t-shirt. I have tried various methods mentioned online, and after some basic changes, I have developed this very simple and efficient method :)
Things you need:
1. Some A4 size transparency sheets. (used for presentations)

Things you need:
1. Some A4 size transparency sheets. (used for presentations)
2. A simple box cutter.
3. A cheap 20 - 40 watt soldering iron.
4. A simple printer for black and white prints.
5. Spray Paints.
6. Masking tape or Duct Tape.
7. Scrap papers, tissues and newspaper.

Take the picture you want to stencil, and convert it in to black and white through microsoft word or adobe photoshop after messing around with it. Its easy to figure out the right combination of black n white through grayscale editing of picture.
Take the picture you want to stencil, and convert it in to black and white through microsoft word or adobe photoshop after messing around with it. Its easy to figure out the right combination of black n white through grayscale editing of picture.
Print the picture on a white A4 sheet using any cheap printer.
Tape a transprency over the sheet, and fill any remaining missed stops with black marker or whitener fluid.
Tape a transprency over the sheet, and fill any remaining missed stops with black marker or whitener fluid.
Switch on the soldering iron, and when its hot enough in 2-3 minutes, just trace over the transparency sheet on picture.
Simply pull off the transparency sheet from the paper, and use the box cutter to cut any remaining smaller parts missed by the soldering iron. Your stencil is ready to be tested.

Simply pull off the transparency sheet from the paper, and use the box cutter to cut any remaining smaller parts missed by the soldering iron. Your stencil is ready to be tested.
Place your stencil somehwere, and test it. I use my rooftop to test new stencils.
Put some stick-on glue on back side of stencil, and place it on an ironed t-shirt and press it, till it sticks, with no opened spaces. Use the masking tape to cover the sides with newspaper and scrap paper.

Place your stencil somehwere, and test it. I use my rooftop to test new stencils.
Put some stick-on glue on back side of stencil, and place it on an ironed t-shirt and press it, till it sticks, with no opened spaces. Use the masking tape to cover the sides with newspaper and scrap paper.
Spray 4-5 times in layers on the t-shirt from a distance. I find the 'flat black' spray paint to be the best as it has rough texture, and it does not smudge or cross t-shirt layers.
For miniature stencils, glue the stencil as told before, and use the liquid acrylic paint and use a small paint brush andcover the stencil with single strokes in same direction. This not only saves paint, but also provides a very sharp image. The important thing is to use minimum layers of paint when using the brush, so it wont smudge or scrape off later.
NEVER handwash a spary-painted or brush-painted t-shirt.
Be creative, and outrageous!! ;)
Spray 4-5 times in layers on the t-shirt from a distance. I find the 'flat black' spray paint to be the best as it has rough texture, and it does not smudge or cross t-shirt layers.
For miniature stencils, glue the stencil as told before, and use the liquid acrylic paint and use a small paint brush andcover the stencil with single strokes in same direction. This not only saves paint, but also provides a very sharp image. The important thing is to use minimum layers of paint when using the brush, so it wont smudge or scrape off later.
NEVER handwash a spary-painted or brush-painted t-shirt.
Be creative, and outrageous!! ;)
I am basically surprised at the illogical approach of average joe when it comes to rationality in belief and religion. To believe in something is everybody's right, and am not against it but the point here is to be as curious in asking religious questions, as one would be in asking questions in a medical school.
Lets talk about the story of Adam and Eve in a little detail. I will not try to delve in to the anatomical mystery of how Eve was created from Adam's bones, since even the imagination makes it seem funny. The interesting point however here is not about who ate apple, and who was the culprit, BUT in fact the real questions arise after Adam and Eve supposedly came down to earth. Islam, Christianity, Judaism and all monotheistic religions have taught us that Adam and Eve had three kids Cain, Abel and Seth. Most Muslim students learn the story of 'Habeel and Kabeel' in their early school days, and how one killed the other. But nothing is mentioned about what happened later? And am surprised at the silence of teachers as well as students in figuring out the confusion. The unanswered questions are:
1. Adam and Eve DID NOT have any daughters, so who did their sons married to for propagation of the human species?
2. If there were any daughters of Adam and Eve, of which there is no historic mention; then too the moral question arises, Was in-marriage allowed between brothers and sisters as incest for the species propagation?
3. Why is there a total ethical vaccum in this story ranging from incest to woman being born 'bended' and also being the one to eat the fruit from forbidden tree of knowledge?
This seems simply like the beginning of a mythical and patriarchal story, with no moral or factual reasoning. No offense to anyone with this writing :)
Lets talk about the story of Adam and Eve in a little detail. I will not try to delve in to the anatomical mystery of how Eve was created from Adam's bones, since even the imagination makes it seem funny. The interesting point however here is not about who ate apple, and who was the culprit, BUT in fact the real questions arise after Adam and Eve supposedly came down to earth. Islam, Christianity, Judaism and all monotheistic religions have taught us that Adam and Eve had three kids Cain, Abel and Seth. Most Muslim students learn the story of 'Habeel and Kabeel' in their early school days, and how one killed the other. But nothing is mentioned about what happened later? And am surprised at the silence of teachers as well as students in figuring out the confusion. The unanswered questions are:
1. Adam and Eve DID NOT have any daughters, so who did their sons married to for propagation of the human species?
2. If there were any daughters of Adam and Eve, of which there is no historic mention; then too the moral question arises, Was in-marriage allowed between brothers and sisters as incest for the species propagation?
3. Why is there a total ethical vaccum in this story ranging from incest to woman being born 'bended' and also being the one to eat the fruit from forbidden tree of knowledge?
This seems simply like the beginning of a mythical and patriarchal story, with no moral or factual reasoning. No offense to anyone with this writing :)
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Save religion - destroy the earth??!!
Humanity has been putting a lot of burden on this poor planet for a long time with this calm idea that they do not belong to this planet. Instead, they think that the planet belongs to them, and the main source of this idea is organized religion that has been passed on for so many ages. Religion has established itself as the central moral auhority that decides all the good and bad by its own knowledge. The usual religion-based moralities make up long lists of dos and don’ts. The problem is, there is no mechanism to revise these as society changes. Over time, they end up recommending silly, or immoral behaviour, and fail to cover many new situations.
An example of this is the religion's negligent behavior towards saving the planet's ecosystem. Since the religious beliefs place the planet at humans' disposal, the religious people really do not consider global warming an issue. For them, decreasing the carbon footprint is not a virtue. Rather they would enjoy contorting personal moralities to tighten the noose of religious slavery around the necks of poor masses. And then suddenly one gets to hear some random assertion by some religious people who pick up issue not because of their interest but because these issues will only make them famous. I have yet to find a church or mosque that put importance on human survival and asked people by heart to stop molesting the environment.
The main reason behind it comes down to the point that unfortunately, religion does not have any interest in planet other then ruling it. Religion tried its best to rule people by dogmatic moralities and will always keep on trying till its death.
Traditional morality has been based on a religious myth that there is some after death punishment if you behave badly. The story is presented with great drama to a child who usually swallows it as a whole. The problem is eventually the clever child may notice there is no evidence for the myth, and that other people believe different myths. This is ofcourse in such an environment where child has the freedom to think and speak. Otherwise there is very little chance of random self conclusion. Without cohesive social pressure, the belief in the myth dissolves and along with it, morality. Those who show an all-powerful God to inflict this punishment have a problem. Why do the good have such a rough time here on earth? Either this God is incapable of protecting them, does not care, or is sadistic in his trials. God may be feared, but not loved, at least not honestly.
An example of this is the religion's negligent behavior towards saving the planet's ecosystem. Since the religious beliefs place the planet at humans' disposal, the religious people really do not consider global warming an issue. For them, decreasing the carbon footprint is not a virtue. Rather they would enjoy contorting personal moralities to tighten the noose of religious slavery around the necks of poor masses. And then suddenly one gets to hear some random assertion by some religious people who pick up issue not because of their interest but because these issues will only make them famous. I have yet to find a church or mosque that put importance on human survival and asked people by heart to stop molesting the environment.
The main reason behind it comes down to the point that unfortunately, religion does not have any interest in planet other then ruling it. Religion tried its best to rule people by dogmatic moralities and will always keep on trying till its death.
Traditional morality has been based on a religious myth that there is some after death punishment if you behave badly. The story is presented with great drama to a child who usually swallows it as a whole. The problem is eventually the clever child may notice there is no evidence for the myth, and that other people believe different myths. This is ofcourse in such an environment where child has the freedom to think and speak. Otherwise there is very little chance of random self conclusion. Without cohesive social pressure, the belief in the myth dissolves and along with it, morality. Those who show an all-powerful God to inflict this punishment have a problem. Why do the good have such a rough time here on earth? Either this God is incapable of protecting them, does not care, or is sadistic in his trials. God may be feared, but not loved, at least not honestly.
Friday, May 29, 2009
the adorable baby cats
Thursday, April 23, 2009
My Long March Experience
On 14th of March, wearing a tie and suit, I sat on a caravan of 7 cars and 1 bus. Myself, being seated in back seats of bus surrounded by some other diehard supporters of free judiciary, the day was full of fun, anger, anguish and moments of elation. 14th of March was supposed to be the day when the huge long march for restoration of free judiciary had to come from Multan to Lahore. Resultantly, thousands of blockades and containers were placed all over punjab to stop movement of the lawyers and civil society. By the media estimates, around 8000 containers were used along with 1500 lorries and trailers. Not only that but each and every policeman in the whole country was on every big and small road to stop any kind of vehicle movement at all.
So in these conditions, we began our long journey to lahore at around 6 pm in evening. Just as the Sahiwal city's limits were crossed, we were put off the GT road by police as it was blocked. Using the bypass, we drove 30 km towards Okara city when at the okara city toll plaza there was a huge blockade and a complete traffic standstill. The trcuk and bus queue extended for more then a kilometre. At this point, we lost 2 of the cars from our convoy as they got through the traffic more easily.
The remaining convoy drove off the road through thick brush and uneven ground and got on a rail track that was under development. Just as we crossed the toll plaza and tried to get on the road again, suddenly police cars and vans appeared with big lights. The bus was stopped and they got on to check on us. We were advised not to make any signs or raise slogans. Some pleading and love helped the police guys in
letting us go. As we moved forward, we were contacted by the 2 cars that had gone ahead earlier that there is a huge traffic mess and police blockade at Patoki city. So we stopped on the road at a diversion going to debaalpur city and convened a little meeting among us to figure out which way to go. A NH&MP police car arrived and the police guy was really tired of all this and advised us to go via debaalpur. The only problem he said would be of security as its not a safe area. Even though totally unarmed and unprotected, we decided to head to debaalpur as we were strong in our commitment to reach lahore city by 15th march morning.

It was around 8 pm now, and the next 4 hours were full of blockades and dead-end roads. We

On our way, we met a police guy who was so sympathetic with us that he himself wished to join
us in long march. Most of them were sympathetic to our cause and wished us well. A police guy on Raiwand road opened the blockade only and only for us, and not for normal transport, while at another point, the police picked up the huge stone blocks and barriers for us from the road. One of the defining moment for us was when we were very close to Lahore city at around 1:15 am in the morning.
It was very dark and silent and we saw hundreds of trucks and buses stuck at a blockade. The police wouldn't budge and the only way to get around was a very narrow road with a sharp turn. Our long bus couldn't get through that turn as there was a big pit on one side so we all got off in our suits and ties with great vigor and ran around to gather bricks and stones. It was such an amazing site to see everyone bringing bricks including myself. In no time, we had filled a major portion of the pit and someone found a huge concrete slab that we placed over it. The bus made its way and the many many dozens of trucks that had been standing there for a whole day now followed us. It was one of the final defining moments in our long trek.

For the first time in front of my eyes, the people of Pakistan have shown some awareness. Previously, the people only united after natural calamities struck somewhere or there was a fear of stupid war or there was a cricket match.

May everyone get his right to justice fulfilled everywhere in the world.
long march,
muhammad somair riaz,
Monday, March 9, 2009
Alex and Frisbie !!
Alex is another of those people who I found really unique in my recent USA visit. I met him for first time at Mark's famous ultimate frisbie. As
the history goes, the ultimate frisbie there is going on for more than 14 years now. And many many people have played the game there over more then a decade. The tradition was set in by the volunteers of the Mennonite Volunteer Service, and the early players were mostly the Mennonite House residents.
But as of today, hundreds other have enjoyed the game of ultimate frisbie including me. Coming back to Alex, I met him first during one of the frisbie games and he was a fun character. Later on, we again had fun interaction during Apple-picking in Michigan. Alex is a really humble person with an amazing and fun attitude towards life. Although, himself an architect, he is a crazy skate-boarder and hurt himself while skate-boarding and nothing was ever dull when he was around. It was really fun to dance like crazy with him on Milena's birthday and hear so much fun stuff ranging from beer to german language 'good words'. One of another persons that I would wish to see again later in
my life someday.
Like Alex, I really admire the spirit of Mennonite volunteers as well as all practical volunteers who spend their lives thousand of miles from their homes for good of others. Hope I get to meet such wondeful and amazing selfless people throughout my life who have such a beautiful insight on life...
See you in Chi town again Buddy!

Like Alex, I really admire the spirit of Mennonite volunteers as well as all practical volunteers who spend their lives thousand of miles from their homes for good of others. Hope I get to meet such wondeful and amazing selfless people throughout my life who have such a beautiful insight on life...
See you in Chi town again Buddy!
Saturday, March 7, 2009
500 blog hits and counting...
am really surprised... and happy too with the way my writings have been read by the people. I
began this one on 14th February 2009 and its just 7th March 2009 today. So, in essentially 21 days, i received my 500th visit of my blog. The count is at 507 as I write this piece right now.
I would like to thank all those who came here to read, and would hope so for the same in future. Thank you all of you and keep reading.

I would like to thank all those who came here to read, and would hope so for the same in future. Thank you all of you and keep reading.
Pacifism - A necessity for life..

The present state of world affairs has made the establishment of peace, and pacifism a must. With the burden of social, economic and environmental responsibilities, the human beings do not really have any other choice but to avert conflict, hatred and destruction. The idea of mutual destruction may have been a deterrent but it never was a sweet idea, nor was it able to stop any wars. In fact, it only made wars more dirty. The spectre of a spectacular war of total annihilation did not occur but the presence of proxy wars

Unfortunately, for all other problems that this planet faces today, war is one of those extravagant deals which has still not given contentment to many a blood-thirsty humans. Of more then 6 billion people living in this world, more then half live below poverty line. It effectively means that their lives are merely masses of shadows barely surviving with the ultimate aim of finding the next meal. Their personalities, thoughts, objectives, beliefs are totally emaciated. And all that remains is constant hunger. And this is not all, one-third of humanity does not know where to get drinkable, safe water...and how ? Not a single human being can claim protection from diseases that are becoming just too many and the great divide between haves and have-nots is increasing exponentially.

The planet Earth is waking up from its natural slumber by human excesses and showing the humans their correct place in form of global warming and haphazard climate change and the thinning lines of food, water and energy demands and supply are just about to snap. A huge catastrophy of hunger, disease, chaos and anarchy is just at doorstep. And yet all that a human thought can reach is to national boundaries. Its amazing how enticing the prospect of 'land'

Money, power, glory, lust, fake respect, might and racial as well as national supremacy!! There isn't much different between racism and nationalism except for a few alphabets. The simple humans of same species who were previously racially profiled are now nationally profiled. Where few races gathered to persecute other races, now nations collaborate to persecute other nations. I just

Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Free Judiciary !

In my country at present, the existence of extremely unjust courts that validate the most embarrassing of rules such as NRO and PCO cannot allow the normal society to flourish. These rules of present justice system are so

I am least concerned about any of the politicians or politics in pakistan now. But what I do wish is to spread this awareness among the masses that justice is not a privilege. Its a RIGHT....A BASIC HUMAN RIGHT. And there is a time when you cannot just sit and wait for some 'invisible hand' to come and help you in achieveing that.
Nobody takes a person serious when he cannot even put his own house in order. And unfortunately, its same with masses in Pakistan. The Government gives a sh*t to what people think since it knows they are not really people of action. But everything changes and so do I hope that people will change. They will finally wake up to figure out that when you can't get what you own by begging, then you have to snatch it. Again !! JUSTICE IS NOT A PRIVILEGE....ITS THE MOST BASIC HUMAN RIGHT !!!
...and what am I doing for that ? I wrote a letter of appeal to citizens of Pakistan about this issue and have till now dropped more than a thousand copies in different areas of my locality. I have also mailed a copy of this letter to Principal of Rawalpindi Medical College. And apart from all of this, am myself going to the long march and sit-in on 16 March 2009 in front of Parliament and supreme court.
Get a copy of the letter named 'MY LETTER' at
free speech,
muhammad somair riaz
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Islamabad - The beautiful ! .... ?

Today, all greenery has vanished, schools are rotting houses of corrupt student unions, the literate people simply left for greener pastures, others simply vanished. There is no peace,
no beauty in anything. People always seem to be in a hurry, ready to spit out anger, furious on God-knows-what. Big, useless roads span over, what used to be greenbelts of trees. Vulgar, immoral beings haunt poor girls in this city where once a switched off street light made an issue. No rules, no manners, no patience, no respect...nothing is same. It seems like the city is there but not the spirit. It hurt to see my beautiful isloo in hands of the unknown people. As I think of it, Isloo simply became part of Pakistan...
So coming back to my trip, I went to some old picnic spots of the city.
Pir Sohawa (Gokina)
Shakar Pariyan (with obnoxious new Pakistan monument there)
Islamabad zoo
Islamabad Playland (Japenese Children Garden)
Track-3 (hiking place)
Rawal dam
Rose and Jasmine Garden
Lotus Lake (now dead)
Museum of natural history (almost empty and closed)
Open air theatre (also almost dead)

the trip was sort of refreshing, very very nostalgic and beautiful. I remembered all those good and beautiful times and days. My this trip also became better as my elder bro was with me and we dont usually hangout so much now.
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