The present state of world affairs has made the establishment of peace, and pacifism a must. With the burden of social, economic and environmental responsibilities, the human beings do not really have any other choice but to avert conflict, hatred and destruction. The idea of mutual destruction may have been a deterrent but it never was a sweet idea, nor was it able to stop any wars. In fact, it only made wars more dirty. The spectre of a spectacular war of total annihilation did not occur but the presence of proxy wars

made it even more terrible. It not only cleared the powerful nations of any direct responsibility of wreaking havoc but it also brought with it the idea of using third-party countries as pseudo-battlefields. Afghanistan, Angola, Sierra Leone, Ivory Coast, Iraq, Somalia, Kashmir and many other nations and nationalities had to suffer more then a generation of hardships only because the ego of a few just could not be appeased.

Unfortunately, for all other problems that this planet faces today, war is one of those extravagant deals which has still not given contentment to many a blood-thirsty humans. Of more then 6 billion people living in this world, more then half live below poverty line. It effectively means that their lives are merely masses of shadows barely surviving with the ultimate aim of finding the next meal. Their personalities, thoughts, objectives, beliefs are totally emaciated. And all that remains is constant hunger. And this is not all, one-third of humanity does not know where to get drinkable, safe water...and how ? Not a single human being can claim protection from diseases that are becoming just too many and the great divide between haves and have-nots is increasing exponentially.

The planet Earth is waking up from its natural slumber by human excesses and showing the humans their correct place in form of global warming and haphazard climate change and the thinning lines of food, water and energy demands and supply are just about to snap. A huge catastrophy of hunger, disease, chaos and anarchy is just at doorstep. And yet all that a human thought can reach is to national boundaries. Its amazing how enticing the prospect of 'land'

has been for humans throughout the ages. From Alexander to greeks and romans up to the present day civilization, not much has changed. One ideology goes only to make way for another. One religion dies only to let another one take its place. And one Government leaves the power corridors, only for another one to take its place. And in this futile change over, little Gods or as we should say, tiny napoleans and alexanders try to manipulate little universes around them. The curse of nationalism or religious fascism just does not leave humans any sort of respect from a million other species on planet. The childish hatred

gets down to such a boiling point that unimaginable loss of human life is considered a 'worthy sacrifice' to keep the map lines drawn the same way on atlas. Just a small walk down the history lane tells of countless who killed or got killed in name of patriotism when in fact, no one really remembers them or cares about them. And no one really will! Who knows the names of millions who died in French wars or the sino-japanese war or the war of

independence or both world wars. Loss of life, money, intelligence, time and energy... all too expendable for these nationalist people to 'save the glory' of artificial borders. And yet when human society is at brink of self-extermination, these egoes have only multiplied. The reasons change, names of wars change, new enemies are created, new boundaries are drawn and the cheap human blood is spilled and the poor planet earth is injured. Earthquakes, Tsunamis, Floods, Hurricanes, Draught and Starvation, Glacial melting, epidemics and pandemics, deforestation, ozone rupture, global warming and horrific diseases do not really make an issue for power-hungry humans.

Money, power, glory, lust, fake respect, might and racial as well as national supremacy!! There isn't much different between racism and nationalism except for a few alphabets. The simple humans of same species who were previously racially profiled are now nationally profiled. Where few races gathered to persecute other races, now nations collaborate to persecute other nations. I just

don't understand when this curse of nationalism and small groupings end. Humans as a species are at a brink of disaster. Planet Earth has been too kind to humans and its kindness is now being taken for granted as its weakness. But for this huge globe of energy and mass, humans are as unspecial as are the other million species. And probably much more fragile than even dinosaurs. I just hope humans learn soon and start living together as an endangered species and stop these petty fights for the sake of humanity's good and lively future.